Dyson Orbitals


Dyson orbitals are the effective one-particle wavefunctions for describing the ionization transition from a wavefunction with N electrons to one with N-1 electrons. They can be evaluated as the overlap between the initial and final wavefunction. Since those wavefunctions differ by one electron, the overlap is not a scalar but a one-particle wavefunction. The norm of the Dyson orbital indicates the intensity of the ionization channel. For Koopmans-allowed transitions the norm is close to 1 and close 0 for forbidden transitions.

Dyson orbitals require two calculations: one for the initial and one for the final wavefunctions. The wavefunctions have to be saved to files using the save_ref command.

Commands: dyson


So far Dyson orbitals have been implemented only for CASSCF and CASPT2 wavefunctions.



Description: Specify initial N-electron wavefunctions.
Datatype: JSON


Description: list of state indices
Datatype: vector<int>
Default: [0], i.e. only ground state


Description: The initial wavefunctions, which were generated in a previous
calculation and saved via the save_ref command, are read in from this
file. The extension .archive will be appended.
Datatype: string


Description: Specify final (N-1)-electron wavefunctions.
Datatype: JSON


Description: list of state indices
Datatype: vector<int>
Default: [0], i.e. only ground state


Description: The final wavefunctions, which were generated in a previous
calculation and saved via the save_ref command, are read in from this
file. The extension .archive will be appended.
Datatype: string


Description: Threshold for neglecting products of CI coefficients in overlap calculations.
Datatype: double
Default: 1.0e-10
Recommendation: The calculation can be sped up by increasing this threshold.


Description: File name for saving Dyson orbitals in molden format.
Datatype: string
Default: dyson_orbitals.molden


Sample input

{ "bagel": [
     "title": "molecule",
     "basis": "svp",
     "df_basis": "svp-jkfit",
     "angstrom": true,
     "geometry": [
         {"atom": "H", "xyz" : [ -0.227, -0.825, -2.666] },
         {"atom": "O", "xyz" : [  0.186, -0.147, -3.258] },
         {"atom": "H", "xyz" : [  0.030,  0.714, -2.796] }

     "title"   : "casscf",
     "nclosed" : 1,
     "nact"    : 6,
     "nstate"  : 3,
     "charge"  : 0,
     "nspin"   : 0

     "title" : "save_ref",
     "file"  : "h2o"

     "title"   : "casscf",
     "nclosed" : 1,
     "nact"    : 6,
     "nstate"  : 3,
     "charge"  : 1,
     "nspin"   : 1

     "title"  : "save_ref",
     "file"   : "h2o+"

     "title"   : "dyson",
     "initial" :
         "states" : [0,1],
         "file"   : "h2o"
     "final"   :
         "states" : [0,1,2],
         "file"   : "h2o+"
     "thresh"  : 1.0e-8,
     "molden_file" : "dyson_orbitals.molden"


Description of Reference


Dyson orbitals are expanded according to eqn. (22)

A. Humeniuk and M.Wohlgemuth and T. Suzuki and R.Mitric, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 134104 (2013)

Dyson orbitals (definition and some applications)

M. Oana and A. Krylov, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 234106 (2007).