Printing orbital densities to cube files


This module prints molecular orbital densities in the Gaussian Cube format. It can be used to view the shape and extent of relativistic or gauge-including molecular orbitals, which cannot be viewed in Molden due to the use of complex basis functions or the four-component framework.

A separate .cub file is generated for each printed orbital, plus one for the total electron density. The axis vectors are simply the Cartesian x, y, and z axes.

In addition, one can print the relaxed electron density in MP2, SA-CASSCF, and CASPT2 force calculations as well. See nuclear gradient and derivative coupling and the example below.

Command: moprint



Description: Determined whether we plot spatial MOs (true) or spin MOs.
Datatype: bool
Default: True, unless we are printing 4-component orbitals generated with an external magnetic field.
Recommendation: Use the default.


Description: Indices of the molecular orbitals to be printed.
Datatype: Vector of integers
Default: Prints the active orbitals from CASSCF, and the frontier orbitals from Hartree–Fock


Description: Coordinates for one corner of the box within which densities are printed.
Datatype: Array of 3 doubles
Default: A position is chosen so that all atoms (except the dummy atoms) are at least \(4 a_0\) from the edges of the box.
Recommendation: Use the default.


Description: Distances between adjacent gridpoints in each of the three dimensions.
Datatype: Array of 3 doubles
Default: \(0.25 a_0\) in each direction.
Recommendation: Use the default.


Description: Unit of the “inc_size” parameter
Datatype: bool
Default: False (meaning Bohr; set to true for angstrom)


Description: Name of the MO cube file
Datatype: string
Default: “mo”


Description: Name of the density cube file
Datatype: string
Default: “density”


Sample input: Print MO

Write molecular orbitals:

{ "bagel" : [

.... energy calculation....

  "title" : "moprint",
  "inc_size" : [ 0.20, 0.20, 0.20 ],
  "orbitals" : [ 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 ]


Sample input: Print relaxed density

Write relaxed density to the file density_0.cub from the XMS-CASPT2 force calculation:

{ "bagel" : [

  "title" : "molecule",
  "basis" : "svp",
  "df_basis" : "svp-jkfit",
  "geometry" : [
    { "atom" : "Li", "xyz" : [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 6.000000] },
    { "atom" : "F",  "xyz" : [ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] }

  "title" : "force",
  "target" : 0,
  "density_print" : true,
  "moprint" : {
    "density_filename" : "density_0",
    "inc_size" : [ 0.20, 0.20, 0.20 ]
  "method" : [ {
    "title" : "caspt2",
    "smith" : {
      "method" : "caspt2",
      "shift" : 0.2,
      "frozen" : true
    "nstate" : 4,
    "nact" : 4,
    "nclosed" : 3
  } ]
