Multireference configuration interaction (MRCI)


Fully internally contracted multireference configuration interactions up to the two-electron excitation (MRCISD). This is implemented with the automatical code generator SMITH3. By default, the Davidson corrected (+Q) energy is also printed.

Title: smith, method: mrci


A reference wavefunction generated by a HF or CASSCF calculation.


SMITH keywords

The default values are recommended unless mentioned otherwise.


Description: Convergence threshold.
Datatype: double precision
Default: 1.0e-8 (gradient) 1.0e-6 (otherwise)


Description: Overlap threshold.
Datatype: double precision
Default: 1.0e-9


Description: Freeze core orbitals.
Datatype: bool
Default: true


Description: Number of frozen core orbitals.
Datatype: int
Default: If frozen is true, subvalence orbitals are frozen. If false, zero.


Description: Number of frozen virtual orbitals.
Datatype: int
Default: 0


Description: Maximum number of iterations in MRCI calculations.
Datatype: int
Default: 50


Description: Maximum number of orbitals in a single data tile used in SMITH3.
Datatype: int
Default: 10


Description: Number of vectors retained in the limited-memory Davidson algorithm.
Datatype: int
Default: 10
Recommendation: Reduce if an insufficient amount of memory is available (do not reduce to a value lower than 3).


{ "bagel" : [

  "title" : "molecule",
  "basis" : "svp",
  "df_basis" : "svp-jkfit",
  "angstrom" : true,
  "geometry" : [
     { "atom" : "O",  "xyz" : [   -0.000000,     -0.000000,      1.210000]},
     { "atom" : "O",  "xyz" : [   -0.000000,     -0.000000,      0.000000]}

  "title" : "casscf",
  "nclosed" : 7,
  "nact" : 2

  "title" : "smith",
  "method" : "mrci"


from which one obtains

* freezing 2 orbitals
* XMS rotation is only appropriate for CASPT2, and will not be used with mrci
   - MO integral evaluation                    0.01
- linear dependency detected:    3 /    4    min eigenvalue:     0.0000e+00    max eigenvalue:     0.0000e+00
- linear dependency detected:    3 /    4    min eigenvalue:    -3.9968e-15    max eigenvalue:    -1.1102e-15
- linear dependency detected:    4 /    8    min eigenvalue:    -1.0380e-15    max eigenvalue:     2.9134e-15
- linear dependency detected:    6 /    8    min eigenvalue:     0.0000e+00    max eigenvalue:     0.0000e+00
- linear dependency detected:    6 /    8    min eigenvalue:    -1.2102e-15    max eigenvalue:     9.1101e-16
   - RDM + denominator evaluation              0.00

* Zeroth order energy : state  0       -0.4388085255

  ---- iteration ----

    0   0  -149.74880423     0.00455295      0.06
    1   0  -149.76848791     0.00088584      0.06
    2   0  -149.76925804     0.00021094      0.06
    3   0  -149.76932381     0.00006783      0.07
    4   0  -149.76932906     0.00001772      0.07
    5   0  -149.76932932     0.00000337      0.06
    6   0  -149.76932933     0.00000065      0.07


   - MRCI energy evaluation                    0.46

    0   0  -149.80276480     0.00000000      0.00

   - MRCI+Q energy evaluation                  0.00

* METHOD: SMITH                                0.48


Fully internally contracted MRCI itself is not particularly new.

BAGEL References

Description of Reference



M. K. MacLeod and T. Shiozaki, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 010507 (2015)

Relativistic extension

T. Shiozaki and W. Mizukami, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 4733 (2015)

General References

Description of Reference


Fully internally contracted MRCI

H.-J. Werner and E.-A. Reinsch, J. Chem. Phys. 76, 3144 (1982)

Modern implementation

M. Saitow, Y. Kurashige, and T. Yanai, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 044118 (2013)